About Us

May 30th, 2016


数理学会,一个让学生体会数学家和科学家厉害之处的学会。在这,学生们能够学习到各种各样破解数学题的方法。不但如此,本学会也   有让会员们尝试做在课堂上或课外的实验。除此之外,本学会更提供数独、智力游戏及关于数理的小常识,让会员们更能感受到数理的奥妙和魅力。
Science and Mathematics Society, where you can learn how Mathematicians and Scientist will come out with their theories.  A lot of ways to solve questions of Mathematics can be learned here.  Moreover, our society also let our members do experiments that they did not do in class and not in their textbooks.  Other than that, we also have activities such as Sudoku and IQ(Intelligence Quotient) quiz.  Some knowledge about Science and Mathematics will also be provided to let the members feel the subtle and fascinating ways of Science and Mathematics.


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